“Fundraising proceeds will directly support Reel Asian’s year-round and festival youth programs that help culturally diverse and newcomer youth from the GTA examine issues of identity and belonging through media arts, while providing leadership opportunities, education and job-skills training in film and creative production.”
“GTA examine issues of identity and belonging through media arts, while providing leadership opportunities, education and job-skills training in film and creative production.”
“Reel Asian’s year-round and festival youth programs that help culturally diverse and newcomer youth from the GTA examine issues of identity and belonging through media arts, while providing leadership opportunities, education and job-skills training in film and creative production.”
Test event
“Fundraising proceeds will directly support Reel Asian’s year-round and festival youth programs that help culturally diverse and newcomer youth from the GTA examine issues of identity and belonging through media arts, while providing leadership opportunities, education and job-skills training in film and creative production.”
Small Business Small Businesses play an important role in the overall health of our nation’s economy. In response to the challenges small business owners face in today’s environment, we’re supporting nonprofits assisting entrepreneurs especially minority and indigenous owned, as they address their short term needs and strengthen their overall recovery. Examples: Technical assistance supporting business […]
Thank you for registering to our event! Your tickets are attached to this email. Don't forget to bring them. We're looking forward to seeing you there. Here are the details: 2022 ByBlack Conference October 19, 2022 at 10:00 AM – October 21, 2022 at 10:00 PM MGM National Harbor, 101 MGM National Ave, Oxon Hill, […]
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Please click this URL to join. https://us06web.zoom.us/w/89303625981?tk=lnfzgGmugrr-4foyEWXIFubrn_mxATfvgr745cFZRyI.DQMAAAAUyukw_RZKSjRhcEtSdFRGS1dfQWNMM0lmMXVBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&pwd=b2NWL09Cc1d6Mk5RTkVKRUltU3lDdz09&uuid=WN_nXjG8IvCQt2216jEdQN_uA Passcode: 168920 Description: Topics: -Inaugural webinar focusing on the Power of Black Business Alliance in New York State -Outlining the Strategic focus of the NYS BBA Speakers include: - Michael Garner , Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer- Metropolitan […]